John Banville | John Barber | John Bardeen |
John Barleycorn | John Barnes | John Barnett |
John Barrasso | John Barry | John Barry (filmkomponist) |
John Bartholomew | John Bartholomew (chess player) | John Bartholomew (skakspiller) |
John Baskerville | John Bates Clark-medaljen | John Bauer |
John Bauer (svensk maler) | John Bauergymnaset | John Börjeson |
John Böttiger | John Børjeson | John Bøttiger |
John Beattie | John Beaufort, 1. hertug af Somerset | John Beaufort, 1. jarl af Somerset |
John Beaufort, markis af Dorset | John Beaumont, 1. viscount Beaumont | John Becker |
John Becker (designer) | John Becker (Designer) | John Becker (komponist) |
John Belchier | John Bell | John Bell Hood |
John Belushi | John Bennett | John Bennett Fenn |
John Bentley | John Bentsen | John Bercow |
John Beresford (polospiller) | John Bernoulli | John Biller |
John Black | John Blackley | John Blackwood McEwen |
John Blake | John Bodkin Adams | John Bodley |
John Boehner | John Bolton | John Bonham |
John Boorman | John Booty | John Boozman |
John Borstlap | John Bosman | John Botvid |
John Bowden Connally, Jr. | John Bowes-Lyon | John Bowlby |
John Boyd Dunlop | John Boye | John Boye Rasmussen |
John Boyega | John Boyne | John Bradshaw |
John Brædder | John Breckinridge | John Brinck |
John Brizar | John Brizar Hansen | John Brizarr Hansen |
John Broadus Watson | John Brockenbrough | John Brown |
John Brown (abolitionist) | John Brown (handelsmand) | John Browning |
John Bruton | John Buchanan Floyd | John Buchholzer |
John Buford | John Buford, Jr. | John Bufton |
John Bull | John Bull Fisker | John Bunyan |
John Burgess | John Burgmeier | John Burgoyne |
John Burn | John Burridge | John Burt |
John Byron | John C. Breckinridge | John C. Caldwell |
John C. Calhoun | John C. Frémont | John C. Fremont |
John C. Harsanyi | John C. Mather | John C. McGinley |
John C. Pemberton | John C. Polanyi | John C. Reilly |
John C. Robinson | John C. Stennis Space Center | John Cabell Breckinridge |
John Cabot | John Cady | John Cage |
John Caird | John Caius | John Caldwell |
John Caldwell Calhoun | John Cale | John Calhoun |
John Calvin | John Calvin Coolidge, Jr. | John Campbell (roer) |
John Campbell Brown | John Candy | John Carew |
John Carlsen | John Carmack | John Carpenter |
John Carr | John Carradine | John Carver |
John Cassavetes | John Cazale | John Cecil Currie |
John Cena | John Chapman | John Chapman (fodboldtræner) |
John Chapman (missionær) | John Chard | John Charles |
John Charles Frémont | John Charles Layfield | John Charles Polanyi |
John Charles Ryle | John Chavez | John Cho |
John Christensen | John Christensen (flertydig) | John Christensen (maler) |
John Christian Ingvordsen | John Christian Ravn | John Christian Watson |
John Christiansen | John Christiensen(flertydig) | John Christmas |
John Christmas Møller | John Christopher Depp II | John Churchill |
John Churchill, 1. hertug af Marlborough | John Cipollina | John Claudius Loudon |
John Clauser | John Clayton Mayer | John Cleese |
John Clellon Holmes | John Cleveland Robinson | John Clifford Pemberton |
John Clifford, 9. baron Clifford | John Cockcroft | John Colet |
John Collett Falsen | John Collier | John Coltrane |
John Compton | John Condon | John Connally |
John Connelly | John Constable | John Conyers |
John Cooke | John Coolidge Adams | John Cooper Clarke |
John Corigliano | John Cornforth | John Cornyn |
John Couch Adams | John Courtenay, 15. jarl af Devon | John Coward |
John Cowdery Kendrew | John Cox | John Crocker |
John Cumming | John Cunningham | John Curtin |
John Curtis Caldwell | John Curwen | John Cusack |
John D. Donaldson | John D. Rockefeller | John D. Rockefeller jr. |
John D. Rockefeller Jr. | John D. Rockefeller, Jr. | John D. Rockefeller, Sr. |
John Dahlgren | John Dalgleish Donaldson | John Dall |
John Dalrymple | John Dalton | John Dalton (musiker) |
John Dalton (videnskabsmand) | John Daly | John Danielsen |
John Dankworth | John Danstrup | John David Booty |
John David Jackson | John Davis | John Davison Rockefeller Junior |
John Day Fossil Beds nationalmonument | John Day River | John de Jong |
John de Jongh | John de la Pole, 1. jarl af Lincoln | John de la Pole, 2. hertug af Suffolk |
John de Lancie | John de Vere, 13. jarl af Oxford | John Deacon |
John Dee | John dee | John Deere |
John Deere (smed) | John Deere (Smed) | John Deere 8530 |
John Degenkolb | John Delaney | John Demjanjuk |
John Dennis Profumo | John Denver | John Denver Beach |
John Denver Bench | John Denver Sanctuary | John Denver Spirit Statue |
John Devine | John Dewey | John DeWitt |
John Di Maggio | John Dich | John Dickson Carr |
John Diefenbaker | John Difool | John Dillermand |
John Dilworth | John DiMaggio | John Dingell |
John Dolmayan | John Donaldson | John Donne |
John Donnelly | John Douglas | John Douglas Cockcroft |
John Dowland | John Downman | John Dramani Mahama |
John Draper | John Dryden | John Dulles |
John Duncombe | John Dunstable | John Dyrby |
John Dyrby Paulsen | John Dyring | John E. Douglas |
John E. McLaughlin | John E. Walker | John Edensor Littlewood |
John Edgar Hoover | John Edmund Gardner | John Edward Carew |
John Edward Courtenay Bodley | John Edward Gray | John Edward McLaughlin |
John Edward Redmond | John Edwards | John Eisele |
John Elfström | John Elfstrøm | John Elias Baldacci |
John Eliot Gardiner | John Ellis "Jeb" Bush | John Elsworthy |
John Elway | John Engelhardt | John Entwistle |
John Erhard Areschoug | John Erik Andersen | John Erik Jensen |
John Erik Riley | John Eriksen | John Ermine of the Yellowstone |
John Ernst Schumann | John Etheridge | John Evans Atta Mills |