3 relationer: Breakfast in America (sang), Supertramp, 1979.
- Album fra 1979
- Supertramp-album
Breakfast in America (sang)
Breakfast in America er en sang skrevet af bandet Supertramp.
Se Breakfast in America (album) og Breakfast in America (sang)
Supertramp er et britisk art rock- og pop-band, som udgav en række populære album i 1970'erne.
Se Breakfast in America (album) og Supertramp
---- Regerende dronning i Danmark: Margrethe 2. 1972- ---- Se også 1979 (tal).
Se Breakfast in America (album) og 1979
Se også
Album fra 1979
- 231045-0637
- Back on the Streets
- Bomber (album)
- Breakfast in America (album)
- Burhøns (album)
- Highway to Hell (album)
- Joe's Garage
- London Calling
- Mingus
- Night in the Ruts
- Off the Wall
- On Parole
- Overkill (album)
- The Highland Connection
- The Wall
- Together Again
- Unleashed in the East
- Van Halen II
- Victim of Love
- Voulez-Vous
- ...Famous Last Words...
- Breakfast in America (album)
- Crime of the Century
- Free as a Bird
- Indelibly Stamped
- Slow Motion (album)
- Some Things Never Change
- Supertramp (album)
Også kendt som Breakfast In America.