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Euston Station (London Underground)

Indeks Euston Station (London Underground)

Euston Station er en London Underground-station, der betjenes af Victoria line og begge afgreninger af Northern line.

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  1. 19 relationer: Angel Station, Bank-Monument Station, Camden (bydel), Charing Cross Station (London Underground), Circle line, Elevator, Euston Square Station, Euston Station, Hammersmith & City line, King's Cross St. Pancras Station, London Underground, Metropolitan line, Northern line, Piccadilly line, Storbritannien, Transport for London, Victoria line, Warren Street Station, 1. verdenskrig.

  2. Northern line-stationer
  3. Victoria line-stationer

Angel Station

Angel Station er en London Underground-station i The Angel, Islington.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Angel Station

Bank-Monument Station

Bank og Monument er forbundne London Underground- og Docklands Light Railway-stationer, der danner offentligt transport-kompleks under hele King William Streets længde i City of London.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Bank-Monument Station

Camden (bydel)

Camden (officelt: The London Borough of Camden eller Camden London Borough Council) er en bydel i det indre London.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Camden (bydel)

Charing Cross Station (London Underground)

Charing Cross er en London Underground-station ved Charing Cross i City of Westminster med indgange på Trafalgar Square og Strand.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Charing Cross Station (London Underground)

Circle line

Circle line er en London Underground-rute i en spiralform, der kører fra Hammersmith til Edgware Road og derefter i et loop en gang rundt om det centrale London og tilbage til Edgware Road.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Circle line


Londons metro. Pilene indikerer hver elevators position og rejseretning. Elevatoren til højre skal til at stige op og elevatoren til venstre er på vej ned fra øverste etage. En elevator er et transportinstrument der bruges til at flytte mennesker eller gods vertikalt.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Elevator

Euston Square Station

Euston Square Station er en London Underground-station på hjørnet af Euston Road og Gower Street, lige nord for University Collage London, og i gåafstand fra Euston Station.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Euston Square Station

Euston Station

Euston Station eller London Euston er en endestation i det centrale London.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Euston Station

Hammersmith & City line

Hammersmith & City line er en del af London Underground, farvet en laksefarvet nuance af lyserød (salmon pink) på netværkskortet.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Hammersmith & City line

King's Cross St. Pancras Station

King's Cross St.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og King's Cross St. Pancras Station

London Underground

t:Se også: London Overground London Underground (også kendt som the Underground eller the Tube) er et metrosystem, der betjener store dele af Storlondon og dele af naboområderne Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire og Essex i Storbritannien.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og London Underground

Metropolitan line

Metropolitan line er en del af London Underground.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Metropolitan line

Northern line

Northern line er en bane i London Underground-netværket.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Northern line

Piccadilly line

Piccadilly line er en London Underground-bane, farvet mørkeblå på netværkskortet.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Piccadilly line


Storbritannien (United Kingdom), officielt Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), er et land i Vesteuropa.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Storbritannien

Transport for London

Londons logo for transport. Alle enheder under myndigheden har samme logo i forskellige farvevariationer Transport for London (TfL) er den offentlige myndighed som har ansvar for transportsystemet i London.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Transport for London

Victoria line

Victoria line er en dybtliggende London Underground-bane, der går fra Syd- til Nordøstlondon.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Victoria line

Warren Street Station

Warren Street Station er en London Underground-station, beliggende i krydset mellem Tottenham Court Road og Euston Road.

Se Euston Station (London Underground) og Warren Street Station

1. verdenskrig


Se Euston Station (London Underground) og 1. verdenskrig

Se også

Northern line-stationer

Victoria line-stationer