InterCity Sønderborg | Intercity-Express | InterCityExpress |
InterCityLyn | Intercitylyn | Intercitytog |
InterCitytog | Intercom | Intercommunalité |
InterContinental | Intercontinental Championship | Intercontinental Cup |
InterContinental Hotels Group | Intercooler | Intercoop |
Intercostal muskler | Intercostalmuskler | Interdependens |
Interdevotjka | Interdikt | Interdisciplinaritet |
Interdoc | Interdoc (antikommunistisk organisation) | Interessante-tal-paradokset |
Interesseforening | Interessent | Interessentanalyse |
Interessentselskab | Interessentskab | Interesseorganisation |
Interessetime | Interface | Interfax |
Interferens | Interferometri | Interferon |
Interfiks | Interfix | Interflora |
InterForce | Interfrisisk Råd | Intergalaktisk kosmisk stråling |
Intergalaktisk rejse | Intergalaktiske kosmiske stråler | Interglacial |
Intergovermentalisme | Interiør | Interiør fra Strandgade 30 |
Interiør med kunstnerens staffeli, Bredgade 25 | Interiør. Musikværelset, Strandgade 30 | Interiørbillede |
Interior | Interjektion | Interkalation (tidsregning) |
Interkalationsmåned | Interkøn | Interkønnede |
Interkønnethed | Interkom kom ind | Interkom Kom Ind |
Interkommunal enhed | Interkommunal enhed (Frankrig) | Interkommunal enhed i Frankrig |
Interkontinental ballistisk missil | Interkontinentale ballistiske missiler | Interkontinentale Cup |
Interkontinentale motorvejsnet | Interkontinentalt ballistisk missil | Interkostal muskler |
Interkostalmuskler | Interkultur | Interkulturel kommunikation |
Interkulturelle kompetencer | Interkulturelt samfund | Interlagos |
Interlaken | Interlingue | Interlingue (Occidental) |
Interloire | Intermarché-Circus-Wanty | Intermarché-Wanty-Gobert Matériaux |
Intermarche-Circus-Wanty | Intermarche-Wanty-Gobert Materiaux | Intermediate Capital Group |
Intermedium | Intermezzo | Intermezzo (flertydig) |
Intermezzo II | Intermission | Intermission (eksperimentalfilm) |
Intermodal godstransport | Intermolekylar | Intermolekylær |
Intermolekylær kraft | Intermolekylære kræfter | Intern forbrændingsmotor |
Intern konversion | Intern medicin | Intern medicin: endokrinologi |
Intern medicin: gastroenterologi og hepatologi | Intern medicin: geriatri | Intern medicin: hæmatologi |
Intern medicin: kardiologi | Intern medicin: lungesygdomme | Intern OAM |
Internacia Fervojista Esperanto-Federacio | Internacional | Internalisere |
Internaliserer | Internaliseret | Internalisering |
International | International (flertydig) | International 2.4 Metre |
International 606 | International Advertising Association | International Air Transport Association |
International Airlines Group | International Alliance of Research Universities | International Alliance of Women |
International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration | International anerkendelse af Republikken Krim | International Art Festival |
International Article Number | International Article Number (EAN) | International Association for Plant Taxonomy |
International Association of Athletics Federations | International Astronautical Federation | International Astronomical Union |
International Atomtid | International økonomi | International Baccalaureate |
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme | International Baccalaureate Organization | International Badminton Federation |
International Bandy Federation | International Biathlon Union | International Bitterness Units |
International Boxing Association | International Boxing Federation | International Boxing Hall of Fame |
International Boxing Union | International Budokan Kendo Federation | International Budokan Kendo Federation (IBKF) |
International Bureau of Weights and Measures | International Business College | International Business Machines |
International Business Machines Corporation | International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons | International Center for Business and Politics |
International Chamber of Commerce | International Chemical Identifier | International Cities of Refuge Network |
International Civil Aviation Organisation | International Civil Aviation Organization | International Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death |
International Coach Federation | International Coaching Council | International Code of Botanical Nomenclature |
International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants | International Code of Zoological Nomenclature | International codex for botanisk nomenklatur |
International Color Consortium | International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering | International Commission of Agricultural Engineering |
International Correspondence Chess Federation | International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences | International Council of Museums |
International Cricket Council | International Cricket Councils medlemmer | International Criminal Police Comission |
International Criminal Police Organization | International Crisis Group | International Curling Federation |
International databeskyttelsesdag | International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia | International Democrat Union |
International Demokratisk Union | International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam | International Electrotechnical Commission |
International Exhibition (1862) | International Exhibition Centre | International Falls |
International Falls (Minnesota) | International Federation of American Football | International Federation of Association Football |
International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations | International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) | International Federation of Journalists |
International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth | International Federation of Liberal Youth | International Federation of Medical Students Association |
International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry | International Financial Reporting Standards |
International Floorball Federation | International Folkebåd | International Football Association Board |
International Handball Federation | International handel med primater | International Harvester |
International Herald Tribune | International Hockey League (1992-96) | International Humanistisk-Etisk Union |
International Hydrographic Organization | International Ice Hockey Federation | International Institute for Strategic Studies |
International Kendo Federation | International Kicksle and Scooter Association | International Kicksled and Scooter Association |
International korrespondance skakstormester | International kvindedag | International Labour Organisation |
International Labour Organization | International Lawn Tennis Challenge 1900 | International Lawn Tennis Challenge 1902 |
International Lawn Tennis Challenge 1903 | International Lawn Tennis Challenge 1904 | International Lawn Tennis Challenge 1905 |
International Lawn Tennis Federation | International Lawn-Tennis Federation | International League |
International League for Human Rights | International League of Antiquarian Booksellers | International League of Conservation Phographers |
International League of Conservation Photographers | International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association | International Marching League |
International Maritime Bureau | International Maritime Organisation | International Maritime Organization |
International Martial Arts Federation | International Martial Arts Federation - Kendo | International Marxistisk Tendens |
International Matematik Olympiade | International Mathematical Union | International Medical Cooperation Committee |
International Medical University | International mester | International mil |
International mile | International Military Sports Council | International Military Tribunal for the Far East |
International Mineralogical Association | International Missionary Council | International modersmålsdag |
International Monetary Fund | International Music Score Library Project | International nautisk mil |
International nødfrekvens | International Nuclear Event Scale | International Olympiad in Informatics |
International Olympic Committee | International organisation | International Organisation for Biologisk Bekæmpelse |
International Organisation for Biologisk Bekæmpelse (IOBC) | International Organisation of Good Templars | International Organization for Migration |
International Organization for Standardization | International Paper | International PEN |
International Phonetic Alphabet | International Plant Names Index | International politik |
International Politik | International Politik NU | International politik:liberalisme |
International politik:realisme | International Politisk Økonomi | International Press Telecommunications Council |
International privatret | International radiofoni | International Reporter |
International ret | International Sailing Federation | International sømil |
International søvndag | International Securities Identification Number | International securities identification number |
International Security Assistance Force | International Service System | International Ship and Port Facility Security |
International Ski Federation | International Slankefri Dag | International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology |
International Space Station | International spejderlejer | International Standard Bibliographic Description |
International Standard Book Number | International Standard Name Identifier | International Standard Serial Number |
International stormester | International svarkupon | International Talk Like a Pirate Day |
International Telecommunication Union | International Telecommunication Union, ITU Radiocommunication Sector | International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication standardization sector |
International Telecommunications Union | International telefonkode | International Tennis Federation |